Learning Korean at schools

NSW School of Languages

  • NSW School of Languages (NSL) is a distance education language specialist high school, offered as part of a network of Department of Education schools providing learning opportunity by distance education
Program and curriculum
  • Students in Year 9 to 12 are offered distance education for 12 languages including Korean following the NSW Government's language education curriculum
  • Credits earned at NSL are recognised as equivalent to regular credits earned at the student's weekday school
Learning Korean at NSL
  • All students in Years 9 to 12 can apply for the Korean course regardless of their language background, if a course in Korean is not offered at their weekday school
  • Year 11 and 12 students can choose Korean for their Higher School Certificate (HSC) study
Course Delivery
  • tudent learning is supported through a variety of methods including online textbooks, interactive online programs, telephone conversation lessons, video conference, forums and email
  • Regular face-to-face lessons enable further interaction between teachers and students
  • NSL teachers may also visit the student's home school
  • A teacher at the home school is appointed to support each student individually
  • All Year 9 to 12 students enrolled in a NSW or ACT (Canberra) school are eligible to apply
  • Students should not enrol directly with NSL. All applications for enrolment must be made by the home school on behalf of the student.
    ※ Enrolment guidelines may be viewed on the school website.
NSL Location and Website
  • Location : 35 West Street Petersham NSW 2049
  • Visit the school website