
Korean Homeland Education Program in 2018

Here is the guidance for Korean Homeland Education Program(K-HED) in 2019 organized by NIIED(The National Institute for International Education). We are looking forward to Many of you are interested in it.

1. No.

 - Pre-undergraduate/Pre-Graduate Program : Term1 (30), Term2 (30)

 - Homland Education Program : Spring(30). Summer(30), Autumn(30), Winter(30)

 - Special Vacation Program : Summer(30), Winter(30)

2. Selection Criteria : The overseas Korean those recommended by the government official.

3. Admission / Registration: Chosen by the NIIED among those recommended by the government.

4. Education Schedule: refer to the attachment above

5. Scholarship

 - No. of Beneficiaries: Approx.160

6. Benefits

 -50% support for tuition, accommodation and airfare.

7. Application form : NIIED website(www. - 공지사항 - 모집요강

8. Closing Date and Application Office:

 23 Feb. 2018

Korean Education Centre in Sydney(

9. Documents to be submitted

   - Application Form, Certificate of [Expectant] Graduation for one's highest level of school, Transcript for one's highest level of school, Certified Documents of a Korean  

     National & Overseas Resident, A Photocopy of a Passport, Student Study Plan(a prescribed form)

10. Inquires : Institution of Korean Culture & Education, Konju National University

                    +82 41 850 6031